According to WISN, the shooting occurred inside the Potawatomi Bingo Casino at about 1:30 am on Sunday morning. Police says that a 27-year-old man shot his girlfriend, 23, in the leg. The woman was taken to the hospital to be treated for her injuries. The wound was not-life threatening.
The Casino said in a statement: “We are thankful no one was hurt more seriously and that the situation was contained quickly.”
A witness said that the 27-year-old man, who was arrested at the scene, shot his girlfriend after an argument on the casino floor. The Casino was evacuated and closed after the shooting as police conducted their investigation. The casino reopened at about 9 am this morning.
One witness told Fox 6: “I was upstairs at the bingo hall, and then when it was over they told everybody to exit because it was a shooting downstairs. The security guards was there. They dropped like everybody else dropped. They wasn’t too much protecting each other. They were trying but they were scared too. They fell to the floor. The whole casino fell to the floor basically.”
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